I actually like where this is going. In most series, the thing that the character is hiding from their significant other is usually huge. And often times waiting for the bubble to burst even makes me anxious. Then when it's all laid out, it's just kind of unbelievable that they get over it as quickly as they do because it was such a big deal.
In this case, I can see where the drama and hurt could come from but it's not something you couldn't work through if you really cared. He didn't cheat on him, secretly drunk him, hold him captive. No, he just approached him because he seemed like he'd be a good character reference. Given the specific circumstances, it'll hurt a little when it comes out but it's not devastating.
I actually like where this is going. In most series, the thing that the character is hiding from their significant other is usually huge. And often times waiting for the bubble to burst even makes me anxious. Then when it's all laid out, it's just kind of unbelievable that they get over it as quickly as they do because it was such a big deal.
In this case, I can see where the drama and hurt could come from but it's not something you couldn't work through if you really cared. He didn't cheat on him, secretly drunk him, hold him captive. No, he just approached him because he seemed like he'd be a good character reference. Given the specific circumstances, it'll hurt a little when it comes out but it's not devastating.