Noeul waited 17 years to take his stance?!? YeoReum is the MC, not an ML.
YeoReum is only "horrible" after he had slept with NoEul, who, btw, had used YeoReum to (try) to get over his feelings for him. If anyone is selfish it's NoEul. Who drags someone into your motivation for dissolving your feelings? You just do it and move on. By "horrible" he is curious why NoEul had acted the way he did, bcz in general if u like the person u sleep with one of two outcomes may occur, you will become more attached, bcz you now have indulged in the flesh, of two, use this to move on. He is upset bcz he is used to having that affection and they were close. Suddenly he went cold turkey after the fact. And the jealousy is bcz he didn't know his own feelings. He thought they had both done it while not sober, but YR was the only one who didn't get the memo. Yk, the discussion of "let's have sex once so I can get over you" feeling.

what. so knowing someone likes you for 17 years and leading them on for 17 years while slowly breaking their heart piece by piece isn’t horrible?
He constantly was abusing the feelings noeul had for him by always making him wait (remember first chapter where he made him wait 30 mins without a word ON HIS BIRTHDAY when he promised to take him for dinner and HOW IT WAS STATED THIS HAPPENS ALL THE TIME), by going out to date and fuck whoever he wanted but still purposefully being touchy feely to keep getting attention and affection without actually reciprocating.
Also let’s not forget that it was stated that yeoreum came onto noeul first when they were drunk.
Yeoreum wants to keep noeul trapped in his crush but doesnt want any of the commitment. he has been using him for nearly 2 FUCKING DECADES. So you’re telling me noeul had to stay perpetually trapped and just fucking wait for the day yeoreum would maybe understand his own feelings.
I dont get it. This whole situation was genuine long term emotional abuse but he gets and fucking pass and its written off as a “lack of emotional intelligence”.
and here you are getting pissed because noeul moved on after they had sex once. get over yourself. Yeoreum himself wanted to forget they had sex but did a 180 when he didnt get the reaction he wanted that would have made him feel good about himself. He had been a selfish prick from the very start to the bitter fucking end.
Noeul was stuck hoping for 17 years that Yeoreum’s actions of affection were coming from a genuine place. But time after time they were just a shallow ploy for Yeoreum to get attention.
EVEN when yeoreum didnt get the reaction he expected, his initial and persistent thought was “am I bad at sex”. Not ONCE did the idea of “what did i do to upset him” EVER FUCKING CROSS HIS MIND.
Get the FUCK out of my comment section. I’m truly fucking disgusted at your lack of empathy.

What lack of empathy?!!
You KNOW some ppl hang on to relationships bcz they want something. First of all, why is it that NoEul only spends his bday w/ YeoReum. I'm not saying YR is great or anything, but have you ever thought about why someone would put up w/ x number of years with someone?!? They've been BFFs for 17 years. Wdym he's stringing him along?!? They are both "drunk". So what?!? According to this story he did this while drunk. Whereas NoEul did this purposely. Did you not read that chapter?!? You're making a lot of assumptions based on those chapters. Noeul could have moved on without trying to "coax the answer out of YR". And also why "get over their relationship by having a one night stand"? Just move on w/o it already.

If we're going with "I didn't know my feelings for you trope" then YR isn't being an a-hole for it. Plus, in a typical situation a lot ppl want more after sleeping together. YR is used to NE giving him affection, so the lack of threw him off. They never had a proper convo about let's "sleep together one time so I can let this ship go" or "let's see if being intimate will give you sexual feelings for me". The question was asked while supposedly both were drunk. Idk how drunk NE was at the time but YR woke up with the horrified omg u slept with him ? And we know from later chapters that NE allow himself to be in that situation so that they COULD sleep together, while at least one of them, if not both, were inebriated. These are convos you need to have while sober. BEFORE the sex. But apparently only YR was "drunk" and NE may or may not have been.

I'm just going with the Subjective. I'm not siding with YR and victim blaming. YR is a full grown adult. For the sake of the story it's 17 years but nobody in the real world is insane enough to keep going with someone like that. Friends tease each other all the time. And I personally am late all of the time (work, school, hanging out). So it's not any particular occasion that I would offend someone. So unless YR is doing it just on NE's bday then yeah, he's a douche. But if he's a frequently late person then that's just who he is.

* I meant to say I try to be objective.
Unilaterally seeing one side only is not my thing.
Everyone is dissing on YR but what about NE?!? Is he 100% pure in this relationship? No. If he did he would have moved on. If YR made the move on NE fully sober then yeah, he's a real douche, but not while he's drunk after being asked to "give the answer".

I physically cannot talk to you anymore. Do you think when i say “17 years of emotional abuse” im only referring to the one night stand? how dense are you? Don’t you find it weird that you’re the only person in this comment section that holds this opinion? You severely lack empathy and critical thinking, I had tried to type up something addressing everything you said but it truly would have fallen on deaf ears.
NE’s exact situation is touchy subject for me personally and the bullshit you’re spouting paired with your inability to see it from NE’s perspective is making me irrationally upset.
unironically, the ml has been fucking horrible and for a disgustingly long time. I genuinely don’t think he could do anything for me to think that he deserves the mc.
ALSO MC I LOVE YOU AND I GET IT OMG. been WAITING for an mc to take this stance with ml’s that act this way in so many other bls. about time istg.