I think Dan-i had been consistent so far. She's still in her "the MLs will never like me romantically. I'm only they're dear friend" bubble thus she never considered of thought deeply about any of Jiho and Chunyoung's showcase of affection. Plus the two have never been direct about their feelings for her and when they do after its taken as a joke by her they go along with it. If they never direct of their feelings, Dan-i can break out of her bubble. I'm hating on you btw. Just wanted to clarify why she acts like that. Also same I feel sorry Yeodan

I think Dan-i had been consistent so far. She's still in her "the MLs will never like me romantically. I'm only they're dear friend" bubble thus she never considered of thought deeply about any of Jiho and Chunyoung's showcase of affection. Plus the two have never been direct about their feelings for her and when they do after its taken as a joke by her they go along with it. If they never direct of their feelings, Dan-i can break out of her bubble. I'm hating on you btw. Just wanted to clarify why she acts like that. Also same I feel sorry for Yeodan.

Same page, not because y'all like that character and her attitude doesn't mean I have to like it too. We share different views and she needs to open her eyes that whatever she is doing is hurting her boyfriend and leading interested guys on. And I also don't hate her attitude "just because" I used to love her too but if her actions are hurting both her friends and loved ones they might as well really get drained and give up on her.

Yeah, sounds like the same thing to me. This boyfriend, why is he uncomfortable? Either he thinks his girlfriend intends to cheat on him with said friends, which somehow isn't a deal breaker for him, but rather he thinks it will be resolved if he monitors her activity, or he thinks the friends she's had for years are going to SA her.

No that I agree with either of you... but if someone makes you feel insecure by them "just existing"; the fault is not with them... especially if they are not doing anything inherently bad. You cannot blame others for all the complicated feelings you have over them. If you want someone to pass more time with you, just ask them so, instead of creating expectations they never knew you were having.

It's not just because of they're "existing" if you really love someone you'll prioritize them. You'll be balanced with both your friends and boyfriend. It isn't hard to draw a line between being friend and "friends with feelings", it they're really your friend they'll try to understand your situation rather than blaming you and your boyfriend just because both of you needs time to be together. If she can't even do that then that means she has no right to be in a relationship.

If someone’s mere existence makes you feel insecure, that’s a reflection of your own internal struggles, not their actions. If you want or need something from someone, communicate it clearly. Expectations are only meaningful when they’re expressed; otherwise, you can’t blame others for failing to meet them. In couples therapy, for example, counselors often emphasize speaking in the first person and taking responsibility rather than projecting blame. While it’s natural to resist admitting fault, it’s harmful and unfair to accuse others of causing your insecurities when they’re simply being themselves.
- Insecurities are often rooted in personal fears or unresolved issues.
-Unstated expectations are unlikely to be met because others can't read minds. Plus, Dan is new to dating.
- It is your feelings. You should take ownership of your mindset. Recognizing and addressing one's own feelings is healthier and more productive.
If you choose to believe that blaming others for your insecurities while expressing nothing is a viable way to live, you’ll quickly find that life remains indifferent to your grievances.
That's my last comment. I will no longer receive notifications for this. I find "blame game" very unproductive when dealing with couple problems.
I'm so sorry but I'm gonna drop this, I can't handle angst well because I would literally cry or have a blank mind for a week whenever I am feeling blue. It was happy while it lasted but girl, you have to draw boundaries. And to Yeodan my man, I'm so sorry but better luck next time finding a girlfriend. After knowing that Dan-i and Yeodan is going to break up is really bothering me and also I feel like they're going to completely forgot her by the time she goes back once more in her world or timeline.