as a teen he was curious and kissed jihwa but was found out by a servant and told his father so his father was enraged. then he had a guy called lord song to “teach” seungho how to properly have sex i guess. seungho was given aphrodisiac and was forced to watch a man and a woman have sex (“the proper way to have sex”) but he was obviously traumatised and couldnt get his thing up so it failed, because if im not wrong they were going to make him do it with a woman too?? (the last part im unsure)
so this is what made him like this now, sodomising with men and not women may be because he is still traumatised.

he is the one that gave jihwa the idea to kill nakyum in case you don’t remember.
he did a lot of things to frame seungho (i don’t remember exactly why a lot of this happens i have really bad memory) but he had that servant who put rocks in nakyum’s food wear jung inhun’s clothes and killed. nakyum heard this from heena who assumed that it was seungho who did it and if he wasnt sure he could check inhun’s residence.
the residence was filled with blood (chicken’s blood) which lord min had done to make it seem like inhun had really died. i think they couldn’t identify the body because they had thrown the servant’s body in a well so he is really bloated.
then lord min’s men struck him in the head and brought him to an old shaman house to gang him..
jihwa was also there and he chickened out and ran away and in the end managed to tell seungho as seungho heard from the kisaengs that nakyum ran out in a hurry and they didnt know where he was.
seungho reached in time and killed everybody there.
this caused seungho’s father to be very angry at him and i forgot under whose order but the shaman house was burned down to save seungho’s name because everybody gossiped and believed it was because it wa sa cursed ex shaman’s house so it burst into flames.
so this was the end of lord min.

lord song had committed treason before and there is this petition (a piece of paper that detailed everything he did) i dont remember the origin of this petition but it ended up in the hands of seungho while he was still in the shed during the time he was being “taught”. he and his brother seungwon made some kind of promise that if anything were to happen to seungho, the petition would be brought to the public. seungho’s father knows he has the petition and so he cant do anything to him but he doesnt know that it was seungwon that gave it to seungho. and this part i cant remember why but lord song was stripped of his title as some high ranking thing (i cant remember either) and he holds a grudge against seungho. they met several years later which is the time the story is set, where he wants the petition back. and colluded with jung inhun to get the petition. jung inhun first went to the kisaeng house because he couldnt find nakyum at home so he basically starting acting and said that he is in love with nakyum (what bullshit) but nakyum slapped and kicked him in the balls when he tried to force himself on nakyum (hurray!) when he failed lord song was pissed and told him that he cant fail the next time so he tries again on the day nakyum and seungho was gonna move out to live a quiet life () but when nakyum refused this tome he struck nakyum on the head and carried him outside where lord song was waiting.
they went to lord song’s manor and basically lord song says he has no need for inhun anymore and killed him while he gave nakyum a chance to entertain him to spare seungho’s life. nakyum subconsciously drew a painting of him and seungho hugging () when lord song came to take a closer look he was struck in the head and nakyum fleed only to hide ina corner. by the time seungho reached they had already beat him to death (or so they think) and threw him in the ocean. (he was saved by a fisherman dont worry) and seungho killed everyone which is the second time his father got angry.
this is the end for lord song

seungwon went after seungho who went to the ocean searching for nakyum before he tried to drown himself but was saved by seungwon’s men.
but nakyum was found by seungho’s father’s men so he was brought to his residence.
when he woke up he took the blame for seungho and was arrested. when seungho found out he went to his father and bowed down with his head low and pleaded with his father to save nakyum by promising he would serve his father like a proper son. his father grit his teeth and agreed.
so inhun was used as a scapegoat.
nakyum is safe, seungho is safe.
but now seungho has to study well to become an official also. his father passed away in the end either cuz of illness or rumoured to be seungho poisoning him.
seungho finished top in his class and decided to go to the rural town he let nakyum live in.
and so happily ever after!!!!!!

almost everyone died/was killed, lord min, lord song, seungho’s father, jung inhun, the servant that hated nakyum
nakyum gets kidnapped twice, seungho kills everyone on site twice.
father angry, so nakyum takes blame.
seungho apologises by kneeling and bowing down to plead his father.
father makes inhun scapegoat, nakyum is saved from execution.
nakyum lives in rural town, seungho has to fulfill father’s wishes and studies, becoming an official.
uses official powers to be the magistrate for nakyum’s town.
happily ever after.
but i really recommend you read it cuz it REALLY gets better i think its worth it. seungho does change for the better and loves nakyum with his whole heart, they both do. and some panels are really precious because you can see theyre both so happy

in season 3, they confessed to each other. but even before that i think he just realised that he was in love with nakyum so he treated him much better. you can already see that in season 2 when he bought nakyum the music box just cuz he liked it (even though it costed one whole house) and also buying fitted tailored clothes for nakyum. but i also think that at some point he realised he was putting nakyum through the same thing we went through as a child so he treats him much nicer. in season 4 he tried to k!ll himself because he thought that nakyum had died this is also the first time we see him cry in the series. uhmm i cant really remember but he really changed cuz of nakyum, and there are many moments where they laugh together and i think that its cute because the both love each other equally.

MAY GOD BLESS YOUR LIFE HONEY THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THOSE COMMENTS HONESTLY I did follow the story when it were still going but I didn't have access (it's ridiculously expensive in my country's currency) to the english chapters, so I tried to read it in korean with my poor knowledge + tried to follow people's comments on twitter so I could at least understand some contexts, but I knew there were so much I didn't get and now I feel like a lot of the questions I had were answered. Anyways, tysm!!!!!! Now all that's left for me is to actually read it translated somewhere (have no idea where to find it) or to wait for, maybe one day, it gets licensed in here so I can have it in my bl collection
i dont rlly plan on reading potn ive seen the beginning of the story n i rlly dont want to go thru that again can someone tell me abt what happens and seunghos character development?