It's not that they never talked in her past life that we have issues with, it's the fact that he saw and knew she was being abused but chose to look away... He expected her past self, a child, to somehow overtake her older relatives and claim her inheritance...
We all saw what she went through after her transmigration to get her properties back... its safe to say no woman in that kingdom would have been able to do all that in their wildest dream.
So for him to scoff at her with such disdain while himself was fighting the Empress as a Prince was very hypocritical.
...Finally, when she won her battles, she looked at him and saw he needed help and offered to help him with his problem without him asking and this was before she developed feelings for him cause it was the right thing to do....

I pretty much stopped reading it, so idk what's this is. But I'm just basing my point from the comments of the readers that so far I have read. I think you all have your point and reason to hate him, and it's good for all of you. But at the end of the day, I still enjoyed them as a couple. Though the ml is mid, and find him boring unless he's with the fl, and somehow like seeing them together as a couple.
For me, I just enjoyed how cliché it is, not my fave, but a good 1 time read, which I'll never reread again. Just came back here when you commented, which is, pretty long read and have no idea what is this now since I forgot, so I have to remember it.
Thanks for this, but I pretty much forgot the story about it, except for the couple. Have a good day.
At first, I was hesitant with how cliché the romance is, the ML falling and shit. But, I started liking both their chemistry, also, the ML's pretty nice, reason why Nithan's very loyal to him no matter what. Also, the ML not liking the OG rosalie makes sense. They never really talked, and sonia was there, bein a bitch as she is. I hate clichés, but for this one, it gets a pass.
There are some rush actions lately, but I like it, so we can get on with it and get it over with, lol.
So, even though the comments are sus with the ML, or whatever it is, for me, I still find them cute ♡.