Why can’t we say grooming because of the age difference? The ML displays all the signs of grooming behavior.
(1) He chose the MC as a target from a young age (6 years old).
(2) He got to know the MC and establish a bond.
(3) He gave the MC gifts and started to initiate his plan NORMALIZE behaviors like holding hands all the time in the palace when he was YOUNG and probably started kissing/inappropriate touch with the MC despite not being in a relationship with him because the MC is completely unphased by this behavior which attribute to the MC thinking this is normal.
(4) He separated and isolated the MC from his family and kept in touch with the MC via letters.
(5) He seems to want to maintain control over MC’s life by getting the MC to marry him.

Informative comment.
I think you should put this as topic to demonstrate how the emperor groomed mc from a young age, that will help to understand the story and their interactions better. That can explained why mc have very little boundaries with the emperor even as an adult or why he doesn't feel disguted by their abnormal closeness.
Added to the grooming, I think mc maybe have also a laid back nature that contribute to him looking too passive, which many interprete as ignorant/childish.
I for my part like this story a lot, the Western historical set up... it's refreshing to see an obsessed emperor doing everything he could to get the Uke. It's soft, pleasing and it's not so serious. It's a change from all these abusive relationships, torture porn that get more n more popular lately. Oh goshh... I'm nauseous just thinking of these
i am not getting 1 thing why did not he get normal thing? is he mentally not well? i mean WHO TF KISS you their tongues and u still thinks they r normal?