I’m all for morally grey main characters & triggering story lines but in this case, ...

Sukiyomi January 3, 2025 8:04 pm

I’m all for morally grey main characters & triggering story lines but in this case, I feel so underwhelmed. Both parties are in the wrong fs but imo, Seo, to me, is becoming more parasitic between them, to a point where I struggle to find any empathy for him while he’s fighting his own demons ( unable to speak up & setting boundaries- the consequences of his own actions -_-) Though, Haru has her faults, I just can’t help but want her to be selfish till the end- without seo:/

I don’t support their relationship, especially when they use sex as a coping mechanism so no one has to address the elephant in the room. I know they love eachother BAD but my thoughts are too pessimistic & their relationship just proves me right.
