Yeah in India even internalised misogyny is so rampant. Like…if you get divorced it’s hard to get support. Even women shun you. It’s so sad. It’s even worse if you had a love marriage. So many women are abused in love marriages because they feel like they can’t leave or get support from their parents since it was their decision. AHH it’s so sad. The world is sad. And like because when you get married you are going to the man’s house surrounded by the man’s family they can just do anything to you. India is also like fucking massive. Don’t even get me started on what happens to the women in remote villages where the law doesn’t apply. It’s not just an India issue tho. It’s honestly a lot of South Asia and probs other parts of Asia too. Regardless of religion, the culture is just like that.
Korean girlies must have so much pent up rage towards men and religion lmao.