Who determines the featured manga on home page?
Suggest some good shounen ai.
looking for bls where the mls have a lot of chemistry/banter/tension
tall uke in love with a short seme who is straight so he stole his girlfrie
why do authors think readers like to read about bad parenting!!! especially...
jusko dai
Can someone find that one damn troll lurking around bl manwhas and mass rep...
How to kms without it being known
Can anyone recommend a yaoi where the seme got jealous and they do some kin...
if i remember correctly they were childhood besties that grew apart bc of a fight. one had feelings for the other. in the past one of them were outside and almost got groped (crazy..) unless they did and came back home all wet (?). they are in high school in the present. im sorry if i couldnt give much details. its been like years....