
meepmoop January 2, 2025 8:43 pm

Wait everyone is saying that the prosecutor is the father but I’ve thought it was secretly white hair the whole time? Like he’s been the one drugging fox so he could “make him his” or whatever get him pregnant when the time rolls around bc fox has been pregnant for months and I didn’t think the timeline added up with the prosecutor? I could be wrong but there is the whole fox has been being drugged subplot that makes it seem like white hair’s doing???

    Beaniebby January 5, 2025 8:21 pm

    White hair didn't drug him.

    I believe the reason many feel like it's the prosecutor because after MC had sex with white hair prosecutor ended up Sexual assaulting/raping him right after in the car. Then when MC went to jail for that month the only person he was having sex with was the prosecutor. The prosecutor was taking him out his cell everyday to have sex with him without using protection. He also knotted inside the MC and in most stories when an alpha knots in a omega its automatic pregnancy.

    So while white hair did sleep with him it's was only that 1 day compare to the prosecutor who been sleeping with him every day for like 30 something days unprotected plus he knotted.