if she was me.

评论文章 January 2, 2025 1:34 pm

i didnt like jiah friend a bit. i understand peoples opinion here of being jealous and defense her and hell i had ton of times dealing with that (the jealously of me with someone else). but in my defense and my opinion, i think jealous is ugly thing and will always follow you no matter what (it's like a cancer) if you cant having a deal with yourself so if i jiah's friend, rather than feeling jealous i would try other things to achieve my dream or completely discard it. it's my own coping mechanism. or daresay i would cut off jiah completely rather than walking in an eggshells of jealous because she got talent meanwhile I'm working hard my ass here.

again I didn't tried to offend anyone for agreeing jiah's friend. I just saying if it was me i rather abandoning Jiah or my dream once for all. ( as you matured up you will learn things won't always work to your direction anyway, so rather than having that ugly feeling that there's no different for having a cancer, i would go to have some peace for myself, call me pessimist im okay with that but over optimistic wont do any good )

    评论文章 January 2, 2025 1:45 pm

    i can say like this because my life still going on despite my dream is crushed my future is dim and i keep questioning my own existence ( already tried to end everything tho but God said no no to my soul )so yeah its hard path but i understand the feeling but again because some people wont read it. IF IT WAS ME. IF I WAS JIAH FRIEND. i rather to not to feeling jealous. its ugly and tiring

    Sasifras January 2, 2025 3:05 pm

    She's trying not to. In the current time, she's the cafe owner. Clearly, she got over it and there has never been any bad blood between them because Jiah works there (it's awkward because they fell out of touch for so long.)

    We can't help what we feel sometimes and it can be hard to let go of that. But it is important what we do with it. With what we have seen so far, Jiah has a great friend who prioritizes their friendship over that jealousy. It's an emotion she didn't get to choose to feel and she can't just toss it in the trash because she doesn't want it.

    It's good you are able to toss things like that aside and continue to work on your goals. Not everyone is wired the same. I'm trying to get you to see she's doing what you said you do but we, as the audience, get to see what she feels regardless. The editor guy thinks he's helping but words like that are a double-edged sword. It could push her feelings to continue or it could help her let go. We don't know yet, only that present day the two are past it.

    Drowsy January 2, 2025 10:50 pm

    i absolutely agree. I also know from personal experience i straight up tell my friend i’m jealous and that i need some time to grow and mature a bit but that i’m so proud and happy of their achievements and my feelings should not make them feel any less. Bc one i really don’t like how i am as a jealous person so i do just try to separate myself and take time to reflect into myself why i feel that way