Ghost A *manager/golden eyed dude, and Ghost B* (jumin, obsessed with manager guy and Ghost A)
Mc grew up seeing ghosts too but was told to pretend like nothing was going on/act oblivious but we (readers) only find out halfway through.
So early on, mc dealt with manager and Ghost A at the same time, but pretended to believe Ghost A was manager, thought manager was being a weirdo at jumin/obsessed guys desk, thought the two had a fling, turns out I'm pretty sure Ghost b is stronger than Ghost A, also obsessed with Manager?......
I think all the ghosts are obsessed with manager, and mc tried pretended like he didn't know batshit because it was just safer that way but one Ghost figured it out? ... and now he's on a limbo.... fuck, I don't even know if I'm making any sense
im so confused and i was on chapter 23 but i just skipped to 45 and im still so confused