For fuck sake. I write at least two character who are schyzophrenic, and one for an horror story. No the king isn't shcyzophrenic ==.
He clearly have delirium and a quite impressive erotomania toward the hero, but nothing who can be see as shcyzophrenia. No hallucinations, no wording trouble... stop downplaying mental illness please ==.

It was someone else who said that lol. And yeah of course there are many schizophrenic people who have maimed and murdered, it's the nature of the disease. But the other person is right in saying that people just throw the word schizophrenic around to describe violent and unstable behaviour, and the fact is there are way more people who have no schizophrenia that commit horrific crimes. It is kind of shitty to the people with schizophrenia who take very strong and disabling meds and try to live good lives buttt I doubt I can convince anyone to be nuanced on the internet so bye ig

1. The king does not display symptoms of scyzophrenia, or at least enough to qualify. That's all we're saying. Is that ppl are just throwing around the word.
2. I'm sure some ppl w scyzophrenia have done horrible things, so have ppl without scyzophrenia. But ppl w scyzophrenia are more likely to be victims of violence than they are perpetrators. The stigma against ppl w scyzophrenia being "violent" is incredibly harmful. It leads to ppl justifying violence against them, whenever theres violence against someone diagnosed w scyzophrenia, ppl assume that they must have had it coming. And ofc this allows ppl to get away with that violence. It is true that psychosis and paranoia can potentially make someone violent, but the idea that it does most of the time is unfounded. Also there are a bunch of symptoms that are not psychosis or paranoia.
I'm saying all this as someone who is very close to someone w scyzophrenia. Kindest person you'll ever meet. Even after all the violence she's suffered at the hands of psych ward staff. It's not just her either, she has done work with groups and organizations where shes encountered plenty of ppl w similar experiences to hers.
He definitely has schizophrenia fr