Yow.... calm your tits, its embarrassing to fight a child, let a alone a manhwa character at that.
A child is a child, who will always crave for their parents affection & attention.
You need to realized how the adults poisoned their mind, gaslight & manipulate them.
You don't need to compare their misfortunes to someone else as they are completely different.
I can totally relate to these kids as I have similar experience where I was blamed a lot by my mother's relative for giving up her career to focus on me. I feel guilty that I was born.
Blaming an innocent child & making them feel guilty for their existence is utterly disgusting.
If you were in her situation, you would definitely understand. That's how their brain works. Children craves for love & attention. So let them be. Atleast they finally achieve their happily ever after.

First of all, I posted ONE opinion on a FICTIONAL child character. So you calm yourself, its not that deep.
And Bliss wasn't abused in any way + she literally had all the love from her parents. If anything, we saw her recieve more of the love of Aria and Asher than Lippe herself. So you can't even say anything about her not being loved. And people will always talk shit, so she needs to get over comments from mfs she can't even put a face on.
And you don't know me?? So quit making assumptions that you can't base on anything. Again, I made an opinion about a FICTIONAL CHARACTER. And I bet you 99% of the readers on this manwha have had a worse life in general than Bliss; so yeah, I haven't changed my mind about her trying to make her struggles appear to be the worst things that have ever happened to someone, OR on the fact that she is crazy spoiled, OR that her behavior is literal dog water. Aw man, my whole family is struggling to put food on the table, but that princess who is loved by all the people whose opinions actually matter and has literally everything, yeah, she's the one who is actually struggling!1!!!1!
Finally, I never said that Bliss doesn't have any struggles, she does, but they're the same shit that literally everyone deals with and will deal with. So yeah, boo-hoo she has to pick herself up from her boot-straps and get over it. She's a monarch.

in a way you are still being dismissive of bliss’s struggles. this isn’t the struggle olympics, there’s no need to compare hers to everyone else’s. there is always someone who is suffering a worse fate than others. if we did that to every single person on earth who had struggles, then in the end, no one’s would matter. i get that you don’t like her but we shouldn’t pick and choose when their struggles matter or not.
also the gossip and whispers the nobles were saying were not just “slightly mean”, they straight up just said bliss shouldn’t have been born. they all favoured lippe, and bliss said, verbatim, “they said i had no reason to be born, that i only made mother suffer.” and then while lippe eavesdropped, the nobles outside her office door said: “who knew a child like her [bliss] could be born from such outstanding parents? they should have never have her!” (as if aria could control which twin to abort). that’s not something both children should be able to vividly remember and repeat. imagine being born with a weak constitution (effectively making her disabled from birth), everyone likes your twin sibling more, and everyone is also convinced you were a mistake and should not have been born. i also do not like bliss for the simple reason she’s a brat and i hate brats but the way she was treated is still horrible and it’s not something we should blame her for.
i’m not trying to argue here like that person earlier did by unfairly name-calling you, even if i largely agreed with their takes. i don’t want you to think i’m personally attacking your character, i don’t know you after all, im just hopefully trying to provide insight on why some stances aren’t necessarily the right approach. god i’m literally that one friend that’s too woke sorry anyway hope my point got across

That’s fine, I don’t really mind! My original comment was just an opinion I threw out right after finishing the manhwa. Anyways, I’m not dismissing Bliss’ struggles completely because at the end they’re still struggles. My issue more-so was that Bliss behaves as if her struggles are the worst thing to ever happen to anyone, which they aren’t.
Yes, no one deserves to be talked bad about or hear that they shouldn’t have been born, but then again for Bliss, everyone whose opinions matter love her. Aria adores her, Asher does too. Jessie, Annie, etc, they all love her. And both her parents literally don’t give a shit about ruining mfs over mean comments. The only person who didn’t like her and was of authority was the maid that later got kicked out.
I guess what I dislike the most is that she basically gets away with acting really shitty and the justification is because she hears mean comments from irrelevant npcs. Ik I already mentioned it before, but by god did it piss me off when she was acting like the room she was in was the worst thing they could have done to her because they wouldn’t let her go to the festival and absolutely botch her health

yes i agree that bliss’s struggles are not the worst thing to happen to someone but they’re the worst thing to happen to HER. she has no basis of what’s “the worst thing to happen to someone,” because that’s subjective. for all she knows, slipping on a banana peel could be the worse thing that could happen to her if those nobles didn’t exist. it’s, again, highly dismissive to say smth like that to someone who doesn’t know anything else. i’ve had my arm broken before and if someone told me “that isn’t the worst thing to happen to someone,” they’d be objectively right but… the worst thing that *could* ever happen to me so far, did. you could make the argument that some people do deserve to get hit with the “other people have it worse” card, like someone complaining about getting 3 presents instead of 4 when everyone else only got 1. in bliss’s case, though, she got inadvertently told she should’ve died in the womb ...
and you’re also placing intent on a child’s outburst of trauma as malicious, as you’re implying she’s acting like only her struggles matter, when it’s pretty clear she never had that intention in the first place. she basically wants to self delete herself from the world because she wants her mom to remain able bodied, which if anything, is incredibly selfless. it’s a lot for anyone to handle, let alone a kid, so i understand that her last wishes of being spoiled and getting whatever she wanted was so that she could have a little bit of fun before she effectively disappeared from the world. of course that didn’t happen and she didn’t even appear apologetic for roping lippe and everyone in the castle into her silly plans but i hope you understand where i’m getting at here.
a child is unable to regulate their emotions or rationalize the behaviours of others, that’s something a person learns with time and experience. if we jumped like 16 years later then i’m sure bliss would adopt the mindset that only the opinions of those who love her should matter to her, but bliss is 6. in hindsight, it’s easy for grown people to say that with no thought. “why would i listen to some idiot i don’t know versus my loving family?” except there’s now 10 idiots all saying the same thing, am i the problem now? they’ve all convinced her she would be better off dead for the greater good of the empire, what 6 year old has the coping mechanisms or rational thinking skills to deal with that? and we know bliss still values the affection of her family and friends, as she’s still clearly fond of them and their presence, she just thinks they’re better off without her, which is admittedly really depressing for a young girl to come to a conclusion on.
if you WERE however going to make the argument that bliss is horrible and poorly written representation of disability and being born disabled/chronically ill, then i be right on board [nerd emoji] sorry for the yapping again

No no its okay, i very much enjoyed your yap., you did change my mind a little bit LMAO
I also made a typo, when I said “Bliss behaves as if her struggles are the worst thing to ever happen to anyone” I actually meant to write that those who know about her struggles in the story see her struggles as the worst thing. Which kinda falls a bit short when you read like the first part of the story. I somewhat get why they do that, but I still think its bad writing that the author didn’t really think out and only wrote for fans to give them crumbs for the end of the story.
Completely irrelevant, I’d love to hear your thoughts on how they portrayed Aria’s anxiousness by the end. I personally thought it was kinda mid. I thought the author would cook since they gave Aria’s anxiety the face of Mielle, but I think everything else about it fell flat. again, would love to hear your thoughts lol

thanks for enjoying my yap session lmao and i’m glad we could see eye to eye cause i honestly get the annoyance for bliss and i do agree it mostly comes from the poor writing of her character (i like to pretend the side stories aren’t canon actually…)
i’m flattered you wanna hear my thoughts on aria’s anxiety being the face of mielle cause oh boy, was i disappointed. i totally agree with you. the side stories’ main focus could basically be summarized as aria’s conflict with being a “good person” and “bad person” because honestly, what do both even mean in the end? aria, for the entire main story, felt unapologetic for her ruthless actions in getting revenge against everyone who wronged her, often relishing in the cruelty and justifying it because they did the same to her. often her rational was “if i don’t do this, my neck will still remain at the guillotine” and she was right. if she ever stopped her conquest, her untimely fate would remain. leading others to their deaths is still, however, objectively wrong, but main story aria never cared for that, she was a bad person and owned that. that’s why it was refreshing to see a villainess actually be a villainess. and it’s especially interesting to see how after becoming empress and a mother, she adopts characteristics of a “good person,” and struggles to comes to terms with her past, where she did do objectively horrible things. could she really call herself a “good person” after everything? the ghost of mielle serves to remind aria of the past she can’t shake off. she was genuinely worried she was abusing bliss in the future, her anxiety manifesting as mielle… but in a single thought she made mielle disappear for good?? essentially implying her anxiety disappeared as well??? truly a horrible representation of anxiety and intrusive thoughts. they don’t go away just because you *thought hard enough* a single time. if we could do that then i guess therapists would go out of business. i understand the side stories couldn’t be that fleshed out but cmon mielle only appeared like 2 times and then fucked off bc aria said so . idk how it played out in the novel but i would’ve loved to see aria grapple with it more until she was self assured enough at the end. even then, mielle could still appear but aria would have a better way to deal with her anxiety. what i think the side stories did right was show how cold aria was to bliss at the beginning, mostly because she didn’t know it was her daughter from the future but also bc that is just in character for aria. why would she gaf abt a random child? she could’ve shown more guilt for treating bliss like that and be guilty in general for treating any child like that, mielle possibly manifesting again and telling aria she’s a horrible mother bc she can’t even treat a random child with kindness. i liked the concept but not the execution. anyway those were my thoughts and thanks for listening again hah
I disliked Bliss so much. Honestly, at the end of the day she just behaved extremely spoiled and so poorly. Like ok, I understand she is sad or whatever because she gets badmouthed by adult noblemen and her mom is ill, but she is not the only one this happens to??? So many people have their parents either dead or insanely ill. And even sick Aria was better than most parents of OI protagonists .
Bliss complains about people being slightly mean, but she literally still has the support of more than half of the palace. It wasn’t like they ever physically abused or even disrespected her. She literally has a WAY BETTER life than almost all types of protagonists and characters in the rofan genre. But I guess she needs to be fully loved by everyone to get over herself.
I was also so annoyed when Lippe was talking about the room they were in and how it sucked, when they’re literally in a room the size of a lot mfs’ houses, extremely furnished, and she even gets toys and meals attended to her. Bur no, these are such horrible conditions. Shut yo ass up
Idc or give two shits if they’re 6, fuck ‘em kids