Maybe the reason why I'm so triggered is cuz I've met a lot of friends like this.. and they choose to be stuck in this uncomfortable situation, instead of taking their own advice. On the other hand, the ml's situation doesn't make me suffocate, but more so emotional?? Like it was so done well, his character is consistent. He's a coward through and through, no bs "I'll give u advice, but I won't listen to these advices myself!".

She’s not honest with herself hence her inconsistency with her decisions and was blinded by selfishness and wanting to feel special. It’s much more realistic and makes her more human than just a girl being good at loving and communicating etc then it would just be similar to any other manhwa. I kinda agree that what she does is super frustrating. Its like watching your friends make the shittiest decisions ever and that thought has never occurred to me while reading other manhwas lol (thats why its so good) but i bet she’d have the best character development

True, the author def knows how to annoy their readers who had friends like her LOL but nonetheless, I still feel super annoyed that she's not actually naive/clueless or anything, she KNOWS what's happening but she still chooses to take these dumb decisions. I would've been more okay-ish knowing she's just a dumb+naive girl who had her first ever relationship just end like that.. I would've been more empathic, but the way she comes off is someone who has experience and understanding, thus giving the ml all of the advice. And I think she knows it herself, cuz in one chapter it showed a scene where she told the ml to never be friends with his ex, and then it immediately cuts to her literally agreeing to become friends with her ex.. she's so desperate, and that just shows she actually has low respect for herself. I literally don't get ittt.. well, thankfully I don't, cuz u can't catch me disrespecting myself like this The fl would've def been one of those girls who catches their bf cheating, and they still take them back. And ik in one chapter she says "I wouldn't be like this if he cheated", but can we rlly believe her??? I mean, all of her advices just fly out of the window if she's actually talking to her ex. So she will def still take him back lol maybe be a little mad and then break up with him, but then wishes for him to chase after her and beg for forgiveness. Sigh, having friends like her irl is actually so draining.. after I've learned my lesson that these ppl love yapping about advices, but actually don't take those advices for themselves, I lost it. I just sit there and zone out whenever they cry about their bfs, and it seems cold but omg it's actually draining. I low-key sometimes wanna scream STAND TF UP.. but nooo, cuz then I'll be a bad friend

Fr tho…when she dumped her ex i assumed it was bc of cheating/abuse/manipulation but the reason was milder than i thought. I dont wanna invalidate the reason why she dumped him, its just her actions were too extreme (not defending, him he pisses me off). Her jumping into the relationship knowing he doesnt have the capacity to love as much as her kiiiinda pmo. Ig thats why its called selfish romance in the way that you want to have someone just bc you want to have them i.e yoomin taking advantage of her ex’s dad and hyeondo’s ex. I kinda doubt that she’ll take him back since i have faith in them realizing their feelings first but i do think she’ll forgive (and forget…)
Also its better to either ignore, distance yourself, or be straightforward and honest to friends who doesnt give themselves any self respect for someone they’ll cry for plus it also affected my friends and my academics. 7 years friendship and an instant no contact is all i’m gonna say (▰˘◡˘▰)

Omg that is so true. This is prolly one of the best written manhwas out there that rlly relates to the title.
And yeah, I've basically cut ties with my friends before who did this sh, but nowadays if I meet a new person and becomes friends with them and they r clearly the type who doesn't respect themselves, I just.. don't think about it lol it's cruel, but first I ask if they just want someone to listen to them or actually give my opinion/advice. It's always the former, but if it's the latter, they don't take my advice anyways. So I just accept it as them wanting to live like this, forever suffering. But I've realized.. I never actually think of them as someone who I'm close with. Like no way a friend who ur close with won't help you out if ur in situations like this.
All in all, this manhwa is def written realistic. But I better wait for this to be completed if I wanna keep all of my hair lol
I'm so glad I'm not a pushover/coward bruh. It's so frustrating watching the fl. Like I do get the ml, he literally got played by his ex. It's like she repeatedly stabbed his brain and pulled it out.. so I do get where she's coming from. But the fl?? It's so frustrating. She seems to come off as someone who is straightforward, but somehow she literally cannot talk/ask her ex about that phone call and the fact that she still agrees to become with him despite knowing his intention is so UGHHH.. like GIRL. Aren't you supposed to be straightforward??? What happened!!!
I'm so happy that despite me being a coward, at least I am straightforward. Dated a few ppl, and I always told them the reason why I dumped them. Like yeah, u kept on crossing my boundaries mf, why tf would u keep on stepping on me like this??
Anyways, that's all. This is def a great story, but I can't help but just scroll pass whenever it's the fl. It's just stupid imo.. communication can clear out the air, like I'm suffocating here. And what's worse is, she keeps on giving advices to the ml and she doesn't even take that advice on herself