sorry bad wording oops its just that ms shiraishi and kondou feel like they both pleasant company vs kondou visibly only tolerating aresh in his face... i feel better reading the almost caretaker-child relationship between ms shiraishi and kondou than the bland "romance" between seiichirou and aresh
and in any case, we dont really even get to see kondous feelings for aresh that much outside of "omg we did that *blushes* anyways" it just doesnt feel viable considering the nature of their interactions (one sided romantic interest for aresh, routine to make sure he doesnt die for kondou)
maybe the romance will get better later on since idk what happens in the novel but so far it feels like its just taking away from building aresh as a character at best and needless fluff to get you interested at worst i fear
why does kondou have more chemistry with shiraishi than aresh like all their scenes together feel lackluster and one sided so far + i havent read the novel but i hope aresh gets an arc to himself i love him sm