
People saying their confession feels fake... maybe Bada's, but IMO just look at Doha's face! He's getting off on it, he likes it ! Panel 13, he's deeply into the fact that Bada thinks he loves him, as shown in how he repeats it over and over again. I think Doha really likes Bada. don't hate mee
I think Bada's confession was definitely more sus, and maybe just to placate him in the moment while he plots ahead
Ok, after reading chapter 47, I have some thoughts
Doesn't anyone find it really convenient that Doha automatically was attracted to Bada? Just, panel 24 really stuck out to me, as well as the early stages of the confession, where he admitted to liking many aspects of Bada. In panel 24, they are lying together. Doha is shredded, masculine, and holding Bada protectively. Bada is in a submissive, pretty feminine pose. It's too "picture perfect?" yk?
I'm laughing as I'm writing this, because I know that this is just a yaoi, but HEAR ME OUT!! LOL
LISTEN... I know this is a typical yaoi and that these are just regular tropes, but what if Doha is crazy and created the game and is just living out his fantasy?? Or maybe there's some weird situation happening in real life?
OR a prank gone wrong??? Unrelated thought, they're game designers and Doha wanted to make a super cliche but funny game with all of them in it, something supernatural happened and voila, the manhwa.
For example, why is he so inhumanely shredded? How is Bada so perfect for him? In body type, appearance, EVEN personality (which he points out!). Maybe Doha had unrequited feelings for Bada in real life? Or he's lonely? I read another comment about this... but what if Bada is the only "fake" one, and Doha created him just for himself? Idk if I like that theory tho
Bro can subdue anyone, especially the killer, in seconds. How? Why is he so good at killing? He is TOO good at killing. We see glimpses of his true colors when he's alone, and killing whoever he wants to get what HE wants. Who's to say that he created this game, somehow lost his memories in the process, and meeting Bada, is unconsciously relishing in his fantasy? Like, maybe he killed the random villager because he was in the process of losing his memories, and was frustrated. He was trying to figure things out, but the villager was just some NPC.
Another thought which is unrelated, watch this whole town be like where Bada grew up. It sounds pretty cliche, but idk. Maybe the old man that Doha killed early on had some memories of "real life" so Doha had to eliminate him? Maybe the old man was trying to warn one of the members? I don't even know... Or maybe the old man did something to him, and he retaliated? IDKKKKKK don't ask me about plot holes in my theory cuz idkkkk
Either way, I don't know how, I don't know why, but doesn't this seem like someone's (aka Doha's) fantasy?? With someone they love?? Look, I know that this is just another smutty manwha, but isn't everything just a little too convenient? Doha can have lost his memories too for this to work.
Again, ik this is just a smutty yaoi, but like, I'm just guessing here.. we've only been given crumbs so far ╥﹏╥ wuuu