what if one of the babies reincarnates into the granddad/the granddad dies right before or just as the babies are about to be born? the reason i say this is because in the first chapter when taesun is at his parents funeral his granddad kind of alludes to them living on through him and i also think that would be a way of snakeypoo keeping his promise bc i dont think the granddads body will last IDKKK
what if one of the babies reincarnates into the granddad/the granddad dies right before or just as the babies are about to be born? the reason i say this is because in the first chapter when taesun is at his parents funeral his granddad kind of alludes to them living on through him and i also think that would be a way of snakeypoo keeping his promise bc i dont think the granddads body will last IDKKK