exactly! like omg they literally stalked him for a year without him even knowing at the very start of the series... not to mention he's been a glorified sex slave this entire time lol doyoon told him repeatedly theyre not playing house! i'm convinced people don't remember the extent of doyoon's behavior

thats part of the intentions im telling you he has not been honest about lol. of course we know that because we've seen his side of things but every time yejun even broaches the topic to get what he's doing, doyoon shuts him down or lies by omission. in his mind, he has a longtime childhood friend who although is not as rich also has the means and is openly WILLING to help him and siyeon, and he wont be a toy in their family's game anymore where both sides are telling him hes powerless and playing with the truth. doyoon is not giving yejun a reason to trust him, he doesn't even have a reason to think he likes him!

he's a great father but who would you trust more.. the father of your kid who hasnt given you a straight answer since stalking you for a year or your best friend who was there from the beginning anyway? he was considering the surgery way before the dad even suggested it as well he was just given the means to do it with his money
i'm confused on yall blaming yejun for this.. doyoon has lied about his feelings and intentions the entire time even when yejun HAS tried to communicate. he's been effectively gaslit about it because of how doyoon either insults him or says he doesn't remember! and then the one moment yejun had to rely on him, and remember doyoon TOLD him to call, he was unavailable for days while their kid was very sick. he doesn't know about the sacrifices doyoon is making because doyoon has not told him and theres lowkey not a point in asking.. what reason did he give yejun to stay?