I’m guessing it’s because mc has never experienced love. So in his mind, even though Taeju raped him and took advantage of him while he is depressed, it was the closest thing he had to affection other than his brother. Mc is messed up in the head. I think he’s experiencing Stockholm syndrome but Taeju changed so his syndrome now looks like love. I hate Taeju defenders. They basically cast aside the rape and other awful things he had done just because he had changed.

Personally, I'm not defending Taeju or anything, everyone decides what makes them happy. As Euiyoung had said, he's the only one to decide what makes him happy or not, so you're free not to forgive Taeju, even he doesn't forgive or forgive himself for anything. But if Euiyun is happy in this way, so be it, many of you can judge a situation positively or negatively without having experienced it for yourselves. But happiness isn't limited to good treatment or bad, it comes from within. Euiyun is a person who doesn't love himself, and as much as I hate Taeju, if he can love himself by seeing how much he is loved through Taeju's eyes, then I can only be happy for him. Judging someone's happiness based on what I think for our own personal satisfaction and well-being is just selfish and unhealthy. The famous phrase "I'm doing it for your own good" is just an excuse to make ourselves feel less guilty about our actions. Hate Taeju all you want, it won't change the fact that Euiyun seems happy and just that is enough. I swear it's complicated to get out of a toxic relationship, I speak from experience. I'm left with a lot of after-effects, including the fact that my world seems empty, that I wasn't loved in this relationship, that my naivety was just used to hurt me more, that between the suicide attempts and the depression, nobody told me to live. No one told me to live for myself, just that I didn't deserve to be in this world that I soiled with my presence. And even despite the hatred I've only received in return, I still feel empty without these people, no light, I cling to books, entertainment so as not to lose my head, if at least I'd had someone to make me feel important, no matter what the world would say, no matter the judgments, I could have been happy but no I've received nothing. So yes, you can hate Taeju, that's justified, but to question the happiness of others because it seems inconceivable to us, that on the other hand I don't understand. Because everyone deserves to be happy, even if it goes against what others think, because deep down, we're the only ones who know what makes us happy. I hope that people like me in this kind of situation will find their happiness, whether it's going far away to make a new life for themselves or staying because they feel loved. Personally, I'm not and nobody loves me enough for me to love myself too, so I want to know what it's like to love and be loved, what color it is and how it feels.

But I understand your statement, you're 100% right. Still, I prefer this story to many identical ones, at least here the top had the decency to ask and beg for forgiveness. In other stories I've read, there was no apology, as if it were normal. I would have liked an apology too, even if it never came. (=・ω・=)
After reading two times, i decided i really hate Taeju. He pratically enslaved Eihyun, raped him and he got pregnant and he caused to other thugs kidnapped Eihyun. Bro he's such an asshole, how tf our uke accepted him? I'd never forgave him if i was Eihyun.