Ugh just...

YiZhansPrettyRibbon December 30, 2024 8:02 pm

People saying only the art style changed are mad crazy. The writing and story line became so elementary. Where the dialog was once natural and interesting now feels forced and cheesy. The plot became so rushed it feels like they are sprinting blind through these last few moments. The author either completely changed or has zero interest in this work and just slapped some crap on the page to get it over with and it shows. Come at me if you want but this ain't it. I hope they can recover from the mess that they had to endure so future works don't suffer like this one.

    Fujoshee January 6, 2025 9:55 pm

    For reals. 1. The old style was so fuckinggg hottt like now they look so ugly lol 2. The writing looks so forced.
    Im just mad at the author :(

    YiZhansPrettyRibbon January 15, 2025 10:15 pm
    For reals. 1. The old style was so fuckinggg hottt like now they look so ugly lol 2. The writing looks so forced.Im just mad at the author :( Fujoshee

    The first style was amazing! I really wish the writer would have been more invested in the final outcome of this work. Yeah, its really $hitty that the artist was human garbage after all, but there are still great artist out there that could at least have come close to the aesthetic. *Crying*