it is! it's the first time in a long time that my jaw dropped at a revelation. i so did not see that coming, but that also confirms it for me i guess, that the cutie we were all hoping to be actually alive is really gone since being Editor K is far more life-threatening than being the bodyguard that the chairman's daughter hooked up with(/TДT)/

I think that's not it.
The brother is/was editir K.
But because the cute boyfriend/father of unborn child was killed, theyed used him for putting the womans father to jail. By saying he was editor K and her lower that is why he was killed. This way editor K is gone, no one will search him. So the brother can safely retire. And the
cute boyfriend/father of unborn child death was used to take revenge. But at the same time the girl feels his name was shamed by saying that he was editor K. :)

oh it's all cool, i gotta be honest tho, i did have to reread your reply like three times to understand it completely but i hope you'll feel better asap! and yeah here's to hoping for the dad-to-be to show up. i'm just at a point where i'm trying to convince myself that there hadn't been a funeral scene so just maybe?
so the title "Editor K" was just passed on after the previous one died, is that it?? coz these rich corrupt mfs are threatened by them so they had the people behind Editor K killed off? i mean all this time i thought Jiwon's late lover was Editor K and Jiwon only took up the title after his lover was killed to get revenge. but now this latest chapter is saying that the cutie "bodyguard" was also Editor K???