GAY PEOPLE ALWAYS PULLING SOME MISUNDERSTANDING AND SHITS TO SHOW YOU HOW MUCH THEY LOVE YOU, ITS SO EASY TO CONFESS BLACK HAIR BOY?? Why would you include the blonde girl and date her who's look a like of your boy blonde friend, it's weird. Then this blonde boy is dealing with his comphet. From the very start, the relationship won't work because somi is the only one who provides love while her bf only cares to be loved by her which is annoying. This story is the most confusing and irritating I have ever read. Pls, don't use someone to get over with your great love, and please don't get into a relationship if you have issues with yourself. During their breakup, this blonde boy keeps insisting that it's not sung jun fault (black hair boy) AAAARGHHHHH HE'S CREEPY THEY SUIT EACH OTHER (BLONDE BOY AND BLACK HAIR BOY) BECAUSE ONE IS A TOLERATOR AND ONE IS MANIPULATOR. Idk why some of ya'll love this but for me nah.
GAY PEOPLE ALWAYS PULLING SOME MISUNDERSTANDING AND SHITS TO SHOW YOU HOW MUCH THEY LOVE YOU, ITS SO EASY TO CONFESS BLACK HAIR BOY?? Why would you include the blonde girl and date her who's look a like of your boy blonde friend, it's weird. Then this blonde boy is dealing with his comphet. From the very start, the relationship won't work because somi is the only one who provides love while her bf only cares to be loved by her which is annoying. This story is the most confusing and irritating I have ever read. Pls, don't use someone to get over with your great love, and please don't get into a relationship if you have issues with yourself. During their breakup, this blonde boy keeps insisting that it's not sung jun fault (black hair boy) AAAARGHHHHH HE'S CREEPY THEY SUIT EACH OTHER (BLONDE BOY AND BLACK HAIR BOY) BECAUSE ONE IS A TOLERATOR AND ONE IS MANIPULATOR. Idk why some of ya'll love this but for me nah.