
Something to add (sorry I talk a lot) but like not SA’ing someone is like the bare minimum ngl. So yeah the ml is a nice guy but him not doing terrible things to her isn’t really a heroic thing. But I might just be not well versed in this universe. Also I’m not saying I hate this. I actually love it. I just got some thoughts :)
Something that annoys me is people getting kinda mean about the female lead. Like maybe I’m not well versed in omega verse but omegas are discriminated against at least in this one. So she has a valid fear of alphas. Even if the male lead is a good one she kinda has a right to be afraid and not wish to date one. I don’t fully see how it’s her fault 100% for being worried. And I know like at the end of the day it was pointless cause they get together but I feel like calling her dumb or whatever just feels wrong.
She isn’t making a baseless worry seeing as how even the manga points out cases of omegas being SA’d by alphas and getting no help/support. The male lead like I said earlier is harmless and we know this but it still kinda rubs me the wrong way when she is just painted dumb by the readers. Cause I don’t think she is dumb, misguided and overly cautious yes. But she kinda has to be overly cautious especially if his status was sort of hidden from her (not saying he did it willingly).
Though I will say she is kinda air headed for not noticing that he was one sooner. Like it kinda made sense. But that’s another point. I just thin hate/comments feels pointless to make since she isn’t entirely unjust in her actions. She would be stupid if she left ml for another alpha or something. But like she doesn’t. And to me she doesn’t even believe the male lead to be bad it’s more her fear holding her back which it seems like she acknowledges.
Though the whole dialogue of the one lower on the totem pole being discriminatory towards someone with more power is kinda weird. But I shut my brain off during that.