this shithead uploader

Yuu December 30, 2024 1:40 am

may every passing pigeon and seagull shit on you
may all your farts be sharts
may every packet of noodles you buy be broken
i hope you drive over nails
may your porch be iced over every single day this winter
i hope your wifi moves at a snails pace you absolute waste of air

    Redpain13 December 30, 2024 3:02 am

    May their pillow be warm on both sides and covered in drool.
    May the stub their toe on every piece of furniture they walk by.
    May their hair have a stubborn double cow lick every morning.
    May all of their hot chocolate/tea/coffee always get cold before they are able to drink it.
    May their new phone chargers always break after one use.