oh okay
so in the novel, hwayoung makes gyuwon use an enema and he has to hold it for a certain amount of time. After hwayoung takes it out, he gives gyuwon the choice to relieve himself where he is or at the toilet and so gyuwon goes to the toilet and he’s told to sit backwards while taking a shit and after he’s finally taken a shit, hwayoung fucks him☠ like doesn’t clean him out or nothing like ew
in the manhwa, it’s heavily censored, but if you pay close attention, you’ll notice the little details of what’s going on… it’s the scene where hwayoung is making him use a ‘douche’ at the beginning and after he removes it, and he even says “if any of it gets on my hand, you have to lick it off” and if you pay close attention, you’ll notice he’s sitting on a toilet before hwayoung fucks him (there’s even the big ‘fluuuuussshhh’ thingy)
Idk I just think it’s gross☠ can’t believe I missed it when I first read it ☠ scat play isn’t for me ☠
so I started reading the novel… and I was desperately hoping it was a mistranslation like desperately so I went and reread the part in the manhwa and they HEAVILY censored the scene bc like bro it’s fucking gross asf like I was about to puke