I know and I also understand that he was mourning. His wife just died and he still needed to work as the emperor. And he did do shit. It might be clumsy bec he doesn't know how to treat her bc no one treats him right too. You know that the Emperor was abused by his family too right? But when he saw FL changed, he tried to open up, move on, and learned from his mistakes.
That's why, in MY OPINION, it's more redeemable because he knew he fucked up and actually apologize and changed.

What chapter are you on? You didn't even read. He literally had a sit down and one on one talk with Phil after she ran away and apologize for neglecting her and saying she must live quietly like a dead rat. He also asked his secretary on how can he treat her daughter properly.
Even Phil started to think that she might be wrong and blindly trusted the propecy book a little too much and closed off herself to the people around her.

No. There is an original book created by another person. The one who possessed Ellincia read that book and didn't like the ending. She wanted to see the FL suffer so she created a fanfic which is "the book of prophecy" now. So if FL never read it, it would turned out as the original book. She will become a villainess but the Emperor never kill her.

I get what you’re saying, but with all this kind of stories my question is “What if the FL hasn’t changed? Would they still suddenly start caring?”. From my perspective, he only started to care about her because she desperately followed his instructions and became a “perfect daughter”. What if she kept trying to get his affection and actually acted like a child? Would he still love her and treat her well?
Yes this is just your opinion, you’re entitled to it. However, personally, I’m SO SO TIRED of these stories forgiving and passing by child neglect. So many of these (like 97%) forgive abusive/neglectful fathers, barely address the past and just act like a happy family (also only because FL either stops caring or desperately clings to them for attention and acts cute). Usually everyone is okay with it only cause father is hot (like Claude, sorry he was a horrible father and did not deserve to be forgiven just like that. I have more examples but this one is the most popular one). This story is so special because she doesn’t forgive him. I love that. It’s so rare to see

Yeah I get what you're saying. This is the only father I accepted because he actually apologized and changed. If FL follows the original timeline, she will be a bad person too. She had a chance to be a better person because of the book of prophecy which results for the Emperor to change for the better too. FL being the perfect daughter is the catalyst to everything but I think the affection of the Emperor wouldn't change even if she decided to be villainous now.
In the end, she didn't returned as a "Princess" because she knows the implications of it (she said the nobles will never accept it) but she didn't cut off the Emperor. They exchanged letters and still talked about their lives. For me this is lowkey forgiveness or at least they started opening up to each other. And I do agree that Claude and the other horrible fathers should fuck off lol

Others changed too tho, I mean not as people but as fathers a lot did (sudden fools for their daughters typical trope). Also, how do you know she would be a bad person? That book was a fanfiction written by jealous blondie, it wasn’t an actual prophecy.
Yeah, I also think his affection wouldn’t change now, my question however was, would he still change if she stayed a clingy and childish kid instead of adult-like perfect daughter? Or would he stay annoyed and neglectful towards her? That’s the issue with most of those fathers and family tropes for me

He shouldn’t have knowing he had a daughter and what affect that would have on her. Like, that’s literally no justification whatsoever. Many of those fathers would have actually a better reason than him, his was also purely a choice he could very well control. Also, that part of her life was never properly addressed and as far as I remember he never felt remorseful for it. FL also never brought it up, I hate how brushed off it was, she just instantly loved him no matter what he did. The only time he apologized was when he lost his memories due to explosion and literally tried to kill her. I love the art and I do simp for him a little, but I don’t actually like him as a character

Agreed. If he were to be forgiven, he should’ve at least worked for it a little. Removing memories and emotions while knowing you have a daughter was a very conscious choice, so I don’t think that’s a good excuse. It’s not like he was unaware of her existence. He almost watched and let her drown, neglected her for years and she literally had to beg for his affection for that to change at all. That neglect was NEVER properly addressed either. I hoped at least that he would grovel a bit more after the whole loosing memories and trying to kill your daughter bit, but nah. One convo, one apology and happy family again. I like his character design (physical), but I really don’t like him as a character. Athy was way too nice of a character. I like FL’s who are more petty and outspoken.

The book of prophecy is a fanfic, yes. But there is an original work which Phil was really the villainess - this is where the author based her fanfic that's a dark version cause she doesn't like that Phil lived and wasn't executed.
I can't say for sure, we only really know the book of prophecy and the current timeline. But if Phil stayed that way, I think it will be the same as the original game ending (not the book of prophecy) but she changed and so does the Emperor. I loved his redemption and how he tried to make amends so I am hoping they'll have better relationship at the end but I'm also okay with the novel's ending. It's really well written and the characters here are so complex.

If we compare Claude with the Emperor here, Emperor would look like a saint lmao. You know how I cheered when Athy ran away and yet she just hovered around them! I was expecting a runaway arc where she will be gone for YEARS and Claude will lose his shit and beg for gods but no??? Considering he really killed Athy in her two past lives and tried to kill her again in the current timeline, there was no amendments and redemption. He was still nonchalant until the end. I wanted to wipe that bored look into his face sm lmao. Also I'm really bitter because I wanted Ijekiel to be the end game haha
I don't hate the Emperor, he might suck for 9 years before Philomel changed but I believe it's redeemable and completely understandable if she forgive him and give him a chance. Also iirc, the book isn't a prophecy or the future. It's a fanfic written by the author (which is the Princess) who for some reasons hated Philomel so much so she made the FL suffer in that book.
The child custody between the Emperor and the Magic Tower Master for Phil will be solved if they just kiss each other lmaooo