Depends. For me I need a lot of mood, crecendo pacing, and just foreplay like hell. Like, edging with critoris stimulation. Otherwise I either feel just pressure, it hurts, or literally nothing depending on the position. And even then, I still need to stimulate the clitoris while penetration sooooo (I actually have never finished during penetration during 2 years of sexual life, if that shows how hard it is at least for me) Just keep to the bean, it's normal.

If anything the pelasure comes more emtoionally for being able to pleasure the man I love, being desired by him, and of course I'm a pervert so the act of sex itself turns me on. But yeah, I can count with one the amount of times I've finished with him and I've acepten that my sexual requirements to finish are so specific it's hard to guide someone to get me off.
anyone who has an experience in sex as a woman? does it really feel good getting fucked like that? cuz bro why the ghost crying and it looks like it hurts sm rather than good, bro I'm scared to have sex i think i will never have sex... help me