i love how their excuse is “but we haven’t heard his backstory!” like bitch, idc if he was a victim of a rape rally or one of the poor slaves in salo, 120 days of sodom. he has zero right to treat another human being that abominably.
plus the author wasn’t smart enough with the story for there to be any decent redemption imo
in order for the character to be redeemable, there has to be small signs, or even hope, of growth from the beginning. there hasn’t been any for him; he’s just been one walking talking pile of testosterone-fueled abuser. the story has to give you a reason early on to make you feel something other than anger and disgust for the “bad guy”, in order for a true redemption. there hasn’t been a single moment like that in this story, which is very sad and disappointing considering their talent
Ss2 just started, you talk like it already ended. Stop acting like you never read yaoi in your life, you know exactly what's gonna happen, you hypocrites are going to like him after his redemption arc and forgive EVERYTHING he's done so far like nothing happened, isn't it the reason why you reading? Be smart, use this incredible sense of justice we lack apparently on real ppl that deserve it.
Babe,I know that you're bored and just want to piss people here,but please not this kind of comment next time. It's not funny, it's disgusting. Imagine if one of your family members, especially your sisters or your mother will become a victim of rape,would you still don't care? Please use decent words next time. I have no issues or bad blood with you,have a good day ahead.
"in order for the character to be redeemable, there has to be small signs, or even hope, of growth from the beginning. there hasn’t been any for him; he’s just been one walking talking pile of testosterone-fueled abuser."
There have been many signs! My friendly advice is to read this story at least three times. The more you read, the better you will see the signs and thus understand the characters, including Jaekyung.
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