Yeah it sad but if someone is at lpthis level, they need to work on themselves before getting In relationship. Empthy doesn't mean excusing someones behavior and chalking it up to their mental state at completely absolving them of any wrong doing. He was so upset he lowkey forces himself of hwibum but since hwibum is so freaky thankfully he didn't even take it like that. He's distrustful, he deleted hwibums best friends phone number from his phone and asked him to not talk to him without an explanation. Hwibum was kind enough to agree but realised that's not right. And don't forgot how they got together, yeonwoo treated to KILL HIMSELF if he didn't go out with him. Dude needs help. And by the way, I have SEVERE anxiety to the point I need to request accommodation at both work and school. No one in my life would ever forgive me if I acted this way, and I understand that. Anxiety isn't a get out of jail free card bffr

"you don't have a right to comment" lmfao I burst out laughing. People don't need to share the same opinions as you to comment. If you have anxiety to this point you shouldn't be dating anyone, you should be in therapy. All he's doing is hurting MC and I honestly only gaf about MC. He's the one I have some empathy for. If this was real-life I'd be talking about him moving to Mexico to start a new life far away from that dude

I think where you are wrong it that you are first of all basing your own experience on to him. You may have severe anxiety, but not a obsessive personality. What Yeonwoo suffers from is a obsessive personality that causes him to have anxiety, low selfesteem, etc etc. The root of his problem isn’t anxiety, its something entirely different so you can’t really hold those two things together.
a lot of u in these comments need to have some empathy. if u dont know what it’s like to live with crippling anxiety, u don’t have a right to comment. ofc its unhinged that’s literally the whole point. he needs therapy