Yeah Yuka doesn’t mind especially since they’re ok with others calling them he or a man, they don’t seem to care for how people refer to him/her as. If they did, he would have explicitly have said so a long time ago. He works at a bar too. Those scenes were especially apparent that she doesn’t care all that much. The deal with her parents was different.

A lot of people really hardcore read yuka as trans but yuka lines this out themself on how they are a gay man when they're both still going to cram school. yatora calls them ryuji because that is their "real" name, and the entire crux of that conversation is how yuka doesn't feel respcted or seen by anyone, but they and yatora share that bond not just because of this moment but because of how they see each other and themselves at the beach. so, at least canonically it is certainly not deadnaming. In fact if yuka were to later come out as trans in this manga I'm not certain they would use yuka since it is a nickname that distanced them from their peers.
Is it just me or yatora calling yuka-chan ryuji kinda doesn't make sense and annoys me a little, I get that they're frenemies but it feels like he's disrespectful towards their identity and it isn't addressed by anyone not even yuka themselves, Maybe I am overreacting but I thought that yuka getting away from theirs parents to establish boundaries and to live the life they want for themselves, only to be basically disrespected by one of their close friends doesn't really make much sense to me. I love yuka and yatora but this is something I can't overlook. Sorry if I am overreacting.