The ending wasn't so satisfying at least for me. It's a great story actually if there's more to its depth. I feel like its too short of a story and there should be more to it than was what shown.
For example, let's talk with Dimitry. He is used to kissing Caeser. He admitted that himself and Caeser acquaintance that they usually do it when they were young. I think that's the reason why he(Caeser) always let Dimitry have his way despite him(Dimitry) have repeated attempts of trying to kill Leewon. The relationship wasn't explain that clearly.
Knowing Caeser and how he almost killed Leewon for leaving him - locking him up and having his ways with him. Why do you think he is trying to be vague with his reactions towards those people who tried to kill this lover(Leewon)? I'm just confused.
Coz like if he really is obsessed with Leewon, why did he do what he did? Let me gave another example. What if someone tried to kill Taeui from Passion? Do you think Ilay will let him go? The answer is no. Becoz that's how obsessed he is towards Taeui. But what about Caeser towards Leewon? I don't know. There's just inconsistency that I am having a hard time understanding the bs. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
The ending wasn't so satisfying at least for me. It's a great story actually if there's more to its depth. I feel like its too short of a story and there should be more to it than was what shown.
For example, let's talk with Dimitry. He is used to kissing Caeser. He admitted that himself and Caeser acquaintance that they usually do it when they were young. I think that's the reason why he(Caeser) always let Dimitry have his way despite him(Dimitry) have repeated attempts of trying to kill Leewon. The relationship wasn't explain that clearly.
Knowing Caeser and how he almost killed Leewon for leaving him - locking him up and having his ways with him. Why do you think he is trying to be vague with his reactions towards those people who tried to kill this lover(Leewon)? I'm just confused.
Coz like if he really is obsessed with Leewon, why did he do what he did? Let me gave another example. What if someone tried to kill Taeui from Passion? Do you think Ilay will let him go? The answer is no. Becoz that's how obsessed he is towards Taeui. But what about Caeser towards Leewon? I don't know. There's just inconsistency that I am having a hard time understanding the bs. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ