I'm not putting nothing on her she stated throughout the story she wanted to protect the kingdom even at the cost of her life. So I'm not sure why that's wrong for me to want her to do it in a way that wouldn't jeopardize her or the kingdom that she so deeply cares about. That wish could be the end of the world you don't know what it is. He could ask to be apart of the kingdom team to gain more power & access and work his way through manipulating the emperor even more cause as we can see he is very naive. Which can then lead to the collapsed of the kingdom helping him seize it and killing everyone including her. While I appreciate others perspectives and opinions. I already explained my thought process and why I was frustrated with the character multiple times but if you refuse to look at it from a perspective different than yours. I honestly don't know what else tell you. I want her to live be free and survive I just want her to do it in a way that's not going to jeopardize her or the kingdom. If I'm wrong for that than so be it. I can agree to disagree. It's not that deep for me it's a fictional story.
Yeaaaa the FL is lowkey getting on my nerves. Her stubbornness is going to get her and other people hurt in the process.