eww misogyny is seeping out. idk how a reader could comment this knowing that as the story unfolds, there are details that are only revealed to us one by one. shes the one who knows best the temperament of those ppl as shes lived a past life w them and lets bfr, other than her attempts to escape, has she ever been wrong when it comes to guessing others' plans? and she probably IS the smartest in the room considering in her past life, even the nobles acknowledge her, the only problem is her background and her not having the black dragon's favor

I'm not sure where in my comment you gotten misogyny. My comment has nothing to do with me being prejudice against women. Yes she has another chance at life. Which is why it's lowkey annoying me that she is letting her hate cloud her judgement. It doesn't make sense to me to choose someone who you don't know is for you or against you. The winner gets a wish. His wish could be something dangerous or conniving that not only goes against her but the kingdom as well. For me I don't feel like it was worth the risk especially how she is dedicated to the kingdom. If you don't feel like that then that's cool. Not everyone will come to the same conclusions. If this decision works out for her well that's fantastic I'll be glad it worked out. But as of now that seemed like a stupid decision. A decision that seems to me she didn't make based on rational thinking but moreso of having him be embarrassed. My comment has nothing to do with her being a woman but solely based on me thinking about her overall safety. Yes she has past knowledge but different events and decisions can change and rendering that knowledge to be useless.

My comment has nothing to do with him but her. I'm focused on her safety.In my mind If she would've chose him what the worst his wish could be? Her to married him? To become his mate? She stuck with him anyway she's already his mate. But she chose the other his wish could be something conniving and harmful to not only her but the kingdom as well something she says she will die about I could've understood it if she said she chose the fox because it will benefit the Kingdom or provide her some safety but instead she said she wanted to embarrass him. So her thought process seems petty & irrational to risk the kingdom future & your safety over his embarrassment. I feel like her stubbornness made her forget all about the granting of a wish. This is how the chapter came across to me.

For clarity I could give a damn about the ML. I'm pretty sure she's going to end up falling back in love with him anyway before the story ends. Typical how these stories go. My comment is solely based on her pretty much handing over a small piece of power such as a wish that the emperor would grant to the winner. To someone who is sneaky, manipulative, borderline psychotic, & conniving because she wanted to be petty. Maybe I'm just thinking to far into the story cause I done came up with scenarios on what he could possibly do to sabotage the kingdom and have it ruined.

i said misogyny bc u hate her for her stubbornness in your og comment when her stubbornness is justified and is nothing but is self respect. the one being stubborn here is the black dragon, even at the beginning, from himself saying that he killed her multiple times just bc she didnt want to go to the lake and awaken him. and the mere fact that you say her wanting to leave is "stubbornness" is telling. how tf is she stubborn when she adjusts her actions according to what she observes, ie her stopping her physical attempts to leave when she saw it was going nowhere.
interesting also that you smartshame her when youre the one who didnt connect the dots together. she realized the red haired prince allied himself w the yellow dragon, the red haired prince still wants to take her away as per the ball the night before, and saw her choosing the winner of the hunt as having no real consequences but the yellow prince and his advisor testing the waters, and she acted accordingly. that's how she'll pry her escape. its not just pettiness that she didnt choose the black dragon. and ppl WILL get hurt no matter what, bc the war is inevitable. she knows this, and the black dragon know this.
you want her to stay w him bruh. youre exactly the type of person who want the victim to stay w their abuser bc leaving is "stubbornness". yes, i say the word abuse bc neglect is still abuse, not to mention all the humiliation.
things HAVE been different since their past life. wanna know why shes always right regardless? bc the goals of the ppl involved and their character have not changed.
idk, i'd say having double standards for men and women and the fact that u saw the woman as more at fault would count as prejudice in my book. still misogyny.

u say its a typical storyline then don't bother reading it when ure not even gonna put urself in her shoes and understand the reasons shes doing so.. like what?? going to get her and other people hurt in the process?? she's been tortured her whole life u think she'd gaf others?? yall the type of mf who complains when FLs aren't doing shi but when they do stand up for themselves yall complain saying they're "stubborn" like damn bro

I don't feel like that's misogyny because I felt like her being stubborn was risking her life. That's what it felt like to me while reading this chapter it didn't feel like self respect it felt like she was being petty. But I digress.
Ah ok thank you for that insight your right I didn't connect those dots. I'm not ashamed to admit being wrong if what you said was indeed happening. My smartest person in the room comment felt valid to me because I felt like she walked in to the red hair guy trap because he played on her being stubborn and petty. Knowing she would choose him allowing him to get that wish and doing something sneaky. So I'm thinking she isn't the smartest person in the room. I noticed she said bout a testing her but I chalked it up as them trying to determine her hate for the prince. However, you have broken down some points that do make sense. I can admit that. I'm not egotistical where I can't see others pov cause sometimes people do catch things that I don't.
Why would you assume I want someone back with their abuser? Just cause I felt like an action she showed was out of stubbornness. Just because my pov was different from yours while reading doesn't mean I like abuse. I would prefer her to do whatever she wants with her life. And at this moment she wants to be free so thats what I'm rooting for her freedom. But I've read enough stories with similar plot lines where the characters still end up together regardless of the abuse they endured. So I won't act ignorant to the fact that it's a possibility.
Her being always right idk if she has or not I can't remember I'm reading multiple stories at the moment so I can't confirm or deny that.
I don't understand the more at fault statement so I can't give a proper response cause I'm not sure how it's coming off. So my response will be towards what I think your were implying. I agree double standards do exist however I don't feel like I displayed that because my previous statement was in regards for her well being. But if that's what you got from my opinion than I can't change how you feel. We all have opinions I can only agree to disagree.

I enjoy typical plots from time to time. I honestly don't how to make you see my pov while I was reading. I really wish that you would take a step back and just see it from a different perspective. I already explained why my opinions came to be. I can not change how I felt while reading this chapter. Someone point out a different perspective and I took a step back and said hmmm okay I didn't see that or recognize this. It's okay to have different perspectives y'all. && It's okay to agree to disagree sometimes. Plus I don't like weak FLs so that statement is inaccurate. Also my stubborn comment didn't come from me thinking she is standing up for herself but from actions she showed that seem ridiculous to me at the time. I like strong FLs & I like revenge plots when done correctly. So idk what else to say besides if this works out in her favor good for her I hope she gets the best ending possible.

i understand and respect that youre not egotistical like that. your inital comments made it seem like u shamed her for trying to escape and just wants to get over what shes feeling and settle down w him (black dragon). the thing is, i have no reason yet to believe that her choices and actions in relation to her goal of escaping is wrong yet bc details are also being revealed and as readers, we can see that they are connected. also again, she didnt make a wrong move yet, therefore i can conclude that each choice she makes is born out of careful consideration.
i apologize if i came off a bit too heated. we have manhwas like these that are meant to empower women, yet so many readers still find fault mainly w the female lead and ignore the faults of the male lead.

Ohhhh nooo that's not what I was trying to say or do at all. I want her to win be free and live happy. I was just frustrated cause I felt like at that moment she was self sabotaging by being stubborn.Because I felt like she was letting her hate for him cloud her judgement and it would've backfire because the red hair guy gets the wish & use it to his advantage. But that might not be the case now since you pointed out some really good key points that I didn't connect. So I really do appreciate your pov it does change the tone of the story a little bit for me. Cause if she did recognize this and was ahead of them and is actually low-key using this to her advantage I'm honestly impressed. Which could be the case since the story is still developing. I do wish we gotten more insight from her this chapter cause I honestly want to know her plans. I will also apologize if my comments came off rude,heated, or offensive anyway. I promise that weren't my intentions. I'm all about empowerment I love strong female characters rather they're the lead or side characters. I'm always rooting for them which is why I get upset when I feel like they during things to jeopardize their well being. Like no sis focus you gotta come out on top. But yea thank you again for that insight I completely missed it.

Lmao and so what ? she gave herself for years and got nothing but pain in return from that empire and that man. Let girl live her life, the one who can really do something for the kingdom if he really wanted to is the black dragon but that bitch is the one not doing shit. It’s so funny that you are putting all the responsibility on her when he literally is the causes of all of this for god sake. That one wish is not gonna be the end of the world let’s be for real a minute, they are not gonna grant anything and everything.
Yeaaaa the FL is lowkey getting on my nerves. Her stubbornness is going to get her and other people hurt in the process.