am i the only one finds it strangely romantic. like they both clearly love each other so m...

nickhyun December 28, 2024 11:12 pm

am i the only one finds it strangely romantic. like they both clearly love each other so much and is willing to do anything. they both hv only each other at the end

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! December 28, 2024 11:26 pm

    Nothing strange about it. I also find it romantic and I'm sure most readers do too. After all, that's why we're all reading - to see them find love in each other, right?

    Eldraco December 28, 2024 11:38 pm

    No not me, this is not romantic in the least, this is tragic.

    We are watching a cycle of pedophilic grooming unfold before us.

    Won was groomed and assaulted and he’s done the same to jinha. There is nothing sweet about this. It’s sad.

    Won is a broken person who is perpetuating his trauma and leaving a wake of destruction behind him. Lest you forget that his emotionally abused and manipulated Jinha brother first as a proxy leading to his suicide.

    This suicide destroyed their family and whether he knows it or not Jinha was hurt by it to.