Giota_p April 26, 2017 11:58 am


    TheRisabella April 26, 2017 12:58 pm

    seriously!!! how does that even HAPPEN!?

    Giota_p April 26, 2017 1:38 pm
    seriously!!! how does that even HAPPEN!? TheRisabella

    Really... I don't know!!! Maybe the want to increase the reading hits, but it doesn't make sense anyway!!!

    ShizayaHeiwahara April 26, 2017 2:47 pm

    Hi excuse me? :) What do you mean by "fake updates?" Are you perhaps talking about Chapter 3? Cause it's impossible for chapter 4-6, it's the first time we released it.

    Chapter 3's reupload wasn't a fake update nor was for the puspose of increasing reading hits (we won't get anything from that. Lol). It was actually a revised version since we fixed a few errors in the previous one if in case you didn't notice.

    I'm sorry if we disappointed you by uploading a revised, much better version of that chapter. *bows

    Raizel April 26, 2017 2:57 pm

    Y r u saying fake updates
    Someone is putting there efforts and u r insulting them if u don't like it then don't read it
    But please stop bad mouthing

    Giota_p April 26, 2017 4:56 pm

    Chapters 3-6 has been update at 03 of March! Not today!!!
    I appreciate the effort of translations groups... I'm judging sites fake updates!!!
    You see that a manga you like is being update, you are excited and you just feel disappointment at the end when you see that you have nothing new to read!!!

    Giota_p April 26, 2017 4:59 pm
    Hi excuse me? :) What do you mean by "fake updates?" Are you perhaps talking about Chapter 3? Cause it's impossible for chapter 4-6, it's the first time we released it.Chapter 3's reupload wasn't a fake update ... ShizayaHeiwahara

    I didn't see that it was revised version (I didn't read it again) but you have to check again your dates then! ;)
    The last update is at 3rd of March!
    I didn't want to insult you, as someone says, but it's a little bit disappointing to get your hopes ups and then... you know! ;)

    Giota_p April 26, 2017 5:02 pm
    Y r u saying fake updates Someone is putting there efforts and u r insulting them if u don't like it then don't read it But please stop bad mouthing Raizel

    I'm not bad mouthing, I'm just express my opinion! We had democracy the last time I check it! And as I say to my previous comment... Chapters 3-6 has been update at 03 of March! Not today!!! Due to the site, right...
    I appreciate the effort of translations groups... I'm judging sites fake updates (and it happens a lots of times, and I'm not talking specific about mangago... it's some kind of phenomenal)!!!
    You see that a manga you like is being update, you are excited and you just feel disappointment at the end when you see that you have nothing new to read!!!
    I didn't say that I don't like the translation or the edit so, your comment "if you don't like don't read it" it's a little bit out of point! ;)

    Raizel April 26, 2017 5:11 pm

    Then clear it u are conveying the wrngv meaning by saying fake updates

    U can simply say that reuploaded the same chapters or they should upload from 4 to six not from 3 to six

    Raizel April 26, 2017 5:12 pm

    Please be considerate of others when u chose yr words bcx they left alot of impact on others.... And no one knws how much they hurt or discourage someone.... ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Giota_p April 26, 2017 5:18 pm

    I said it very clear!!! It looks that THERE IS NOOOO UPDATE!!!
    Last update has the date: 03/03!!! Not 26/04!!!
    It's very different to re-update from make a totally new update!!!
    For someone who doesn't even remember after two months what is this story about (I have read the original anyway), with this date, it totally look for a "fake" update!
    And my comment is about how the site works, not about the group which make this manga so, I still think that your last comment is out of point!
    I'm also in a translation-editing group, and I know very well how all these work, and I'm very for the work of all teams out there (if not all, the most of them... )

    Raizel April 26, 2017 6:25 pm

    Good for you ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Raizel April 26, 2017 6:27 pm

    Well if u r also part of some translating group then why don't you translate this one??

    Its not a sarcasm just asking normaly

    Raizel April 26, 2017 6:27 pm

    I am also trying to translate... It but I'm nt a professional

    Giota_p April 26, 2017 7:49 pm

    I worn 15 hours per day! I am mom of an 8 years old little monster ( :p ), I am an author myself and I'm already working on 3 projects! I'm going to die over my keyboard! Hahaha!!!

    Giota_p April 26, 2017 7:50 pm
    Well if u r also part of some translating group then why don't you translate this one?? Its not a sarcasm just asking normaly Raizel

    I work 15 hours per day! I am mom of an 8 years old little monster ( :p ), I am an author myself and I'm already working on 3 projects! I'm going to die over my keyboard! Hahaha!!!

    Raizel April 26, 2017 9:06 pm
    I work 15 hours per day! I am mom of an 8 years old little monster ( :p ), I am an author myself and I'm already working on 3 projects! I'm going to die over my keyboard! Hahaha!!! Giota_p

    Oh God
    And her i am a free loader (≧∀≦)

    Giota_p April 26, 2017 9:14 pm
    Oh God And her i am a free loader (≧∀≦) Raizel

    Hahaha!!! You can even image how much craziness exist in my life, but I love it... short of... hahaha!!!

    ShizayaHeiwahara April 26, 2017 9:18 pm
    Chapters 3-6 has been update at 03 of March! Not today!!!I appreciate the effort of translations groups... I'm judging sites fake updates!!!You see that a manga you like is being update, you are excited and you... Giota_p

    I wonder where you read those updates? I believe that we are the only ones who's currently translating this (because we've already talked it out with the other translator) and we just uplpaded these updates on our blog last Apr. 24 or 25. So can you tell me where please?

    Raizel April 26, 2017 9:23 pm
    Hahaha!!! You can even image how much craziness exist in my life, but I love it... short of... hahaha!!! Giota_p

    Yeah i also prefer a life with hell lots of work
    But i guess i am born to be a free loader