this shouldn't be categorized as yaoi in my opinion. tried reading this after loving the a...

kaz December 28, 2024 6:30 pm

this shouldn't be categorized as yaoi in my opinion. tried reading this after loving the author's other work park hanhoo but this just didn't grab my attention for some reason and I skimmed through most of it. idk like all the scenes that were supposed to have an impact failed to. you'd think there would be more drama and angst because of the seemingly intriguing concepts (yise being immortal but hating it and wanting to die, rowan needing to get revenge to keep him from fading but ultimately failing to because he loves the person he wants to get revenge on, the concept of demons fading in general) like bro so many interesting plot points but so far we've gotten nowhere really? like I feel like it's wasted potential

    Rin December 30, 2024 11:05 pm

    I feel like author just failed to show that. I can still feel the story, but not much as Park Hanhoo