It’s okay

Yve December 28, 2024 9:23 am

I didn’t really feel any chemistry between the characters. Feels like their feelings came out of no where, especially Kashiwagi towards Amamiya. It just felt like an unnatural progression. Maybe if some attraction betwwen them was displayed earlier on by their thoughts, the progression would’ve seemed more natural. They came off as regular coworkers to me. And no, I don’t need smut in a story in order to like it. Some of my favorite bl manga are shonen ai.

    sshlyst February 5, 2025 11:57 pm

    I feel like the both Had quite few deep converstaions and seemed to understand each other on deeper lever (while being quite different)
    And opening up like that to a person to find a safe space and understanding feels quite romantic to me
    Maybe not romantic in relationship sense but at very least strong intimate platonic bond where it wouldnt be strange to turn romantic
    ^again i d love to hear what you think if you d like to add more

    March 2, 2025 10:13 pm

    I think this is more of a realistic romance? They care deeply for eachother and maybe just don't show it as much as other characters, people experience love differently. it doesnt HAVE to be an extreme reaction of love