this is interesting & i will for sure be looking forward to updates... but i have to say -

estar December 28, 2024 12:58 am

there chapters here where the translator went a bit wild with the style of their translation. add to that, the weird art style (the proportions r weirdly off) & i found myself laughing even though idk if this necessarily meant to be a comedy (≧∀≦)

also, did the MC's child get scarified? by the Uncle? or was that just bad translation - cause if i didn't read it wrong, she was 16 when that crazy psycho murdered her...right (⊙_⊙)?so when & how she get pregnant, let alone have a child (as it didn't say baby) that could be sacrificed Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    Luna January 16, 2025 9:59 pm

    The precious thing that was sacrificed was her age, not a baby lol