what are you even talking about rn? how are they wasting their talent exactly? by not making a story up to the standards of some rando pirating shit on the internet?
what are you even talking about rn? how are they wasting their talent exactly? by not making a story up to the standards of some rando pirating shit on the internet? KING_SVKII
I'm saying the story is bad. can't i say the story isn't good? do i have to like it just because im reading it here? yall will like anything about two guys fucking, i swear to god.
I'm saying the story is bad. can't i say the story isn't good? do i have to like it just because im reading it here? yall will like anything about two guys fucking, i swear to god. jayleesuk
I don't like it just because they fucked, I actually like dumb, simple, lighthearted stories like this, personally. do you see what I meant? just because something is bad in your opinion doesn't mean it was a waste for it to exist..
and YOU are wasting away grumbling online about the most mundane non-issues known to mankind while author just released a new manhwa so whos really the disappointment here big dawg
I'm saying the story is bad. can't i say the story isn't good? do i have to like it just because im reading it here? yall will like anything about two guys fucking, i swear to god. jayleesuk
But isn’t ur whole reading/read books on ur profile almost all yaoi? So ur just contradicting yourself?? Lol
It's the autor who IS in carge on what he spends His time. It's Not wasted for things he cares about. You shoudn't critiside. It's well done and has details. Also it's porn you can See he liked what he did.
this is bad for so many reasons. this author has some pretty art, but they waste their talent with shit like this.