okay yall might be forgetting but did people just not remember the panels where hakyung's, as jiyoung, manly features were emphasized and yoonsung was looking at them? or the fact he suggested they go to america? of course he knew
i went back and read those bc my mind jumped straight to those chapters. the author did so well with hinting that he knew all along and still loved him.
i went back and read those bc my mind jumped straight to those chapters. the author did so well with hinting that he knew all along and still loved him. cigarette
the feature highlight was early chapters and the moving the america was pretty recent. sorry can't really have time to scour through everything hachi leaf
okay yall might be forgetting but did people just not remember the panels where hakyung's, as jiyoung, manly features were emphasized and yoonsung was looking at them? or the fact he suggested they go to america? of course he knew