lol ok so real reviews

SighOrDie December 27, 2024 6:29 am

honestly the ML kinda sucks this would have been a sick story if there was 1. no romance and 2. the "fl" was the mc. the fl is actually dope, despite what the people who clearly just hate women in this comment section say; she's strong, we see her grow as a martial artist and a person, and she honestly had so much untapped pontential for an MC instead (like her dad being the main villian? that confrontation woulda been intense). also, the bar is sooo low ik but i was reallt drawn to and appreciated the lack of sexualization/ othering of her that u very very commonly see in (all of these but especially) action genres / more male dominated settings. by othering i mean, making such a vlear distinction that She Is Girl and is thus Less or whatver bs yk yk.
what WAS in fact actually annoying was the random ass romance they hinted at, though its relatively easy to ignore if ur contemplating reading!, partially because it was unnecessary and felt so, and partially cuz it was both icky-weird with the age gap/him being friends w her GRANDPA, and out of character for both of them. if they had a master-disciole relationship, it would have made sooooooo much more sense and felt more harmonious.
additionally, i really couldnt like this ML. he's not a bad guy but hes incredibly boring. i never related to ppl hating over-smirky mcs until this webtoon. he jist stands there and smirks. and smirks. and does nothing. every fricking fight scene. they also never flesh out him as a martial artist very well nor do they really give him much personality beyond smirking and standing and being stumpy asf

    SighOrDie December 27, 2024 6:37 am

    all in all tho, it definitely dragged and had issues with under-development of ALL the characters - MCs, side characters, and villians - and the plot - it jumped around in places and then dragged in others and there were definitely a lot of aspects that didnt get fleshed out- BUT it wasn't bad, the TL is understandable, and didnt have any major overtly gross stuff thankfully.

    i dont think there were any major TWs besides violence and lowkey implied SA that u could interpret as just harassment/ assault a few times. I'd label it a way to pass the time lol