Unfortunately, looking at the situation with more care, he doesn't sound like a bad person. Yui recognizes him clearly and seems to be very very familiar with her father, which implies that even though he's not close, he visits often enough, the way he complains about Jiu's updates also implies that he is actively interested in his child. He lacks a lot of the traits negligent fathers usually present, so I genuinely think when his ex-wife passed he opted to leave Yui in Jiu's care bc he didn't have money. If that wasn't the case, or if he didn't have any remorse on the situation he wouldn't have apologized, much less bowed. That being said, I think his decision to suddenly ask for custody is not well thought out, children need stability and sudden changes like this, cutting her out from the family she loves (which is what would happen if she went to the US) plus the total change of environment, language, culture, it'd be very traumatic for her. I'd suggest other ways around this issue, but this comment is too long already

Valid point still want to hit him. As well to add to your point Yui need Jiu-san. Why you may ask? It's pretty obvious she is half tiger so she needs someone close that can understand in a way and explain how to work around some things.
She may be half human but she is still half tiger so she will become bigger and stronger and who better than to teach her that than someone of the same spices aka Jiu-san.
The father is been extremely selfish and I think he found someone else and now wants to have the picture perfect family

Dude leaving for other country to work doesn't always mean you have lots of money in many cases those who travel to other country to work is the one living in poverty line and trying to support their family at their home country. It very common especially in asia. Its because more developed country have higher exchange rates.
So company can hire workers for lower amount of money than hiring local and the overseas worker can send more money to their family back home.
I knew a family whose father work at japan and they arent a well off family at all they actually is struggling to pay their child school.
Let me! let me! He leaves her behind bc he has no money but still travel to USA for work! Excuse me but nah a that is bs! She had her family and friends here he could have easily stayed or work with best man Jiu san!
No one is gonna convince me he ain't lying through his teeth!
Let me beat him up!