Yes they were brainwashed bc the azella's "powers" is seduction and bc in the first timeline the empress successfully stole shushu's powers azella became powerful enough to manipulate the prince and the emperor shushu haven't figure that out yet that's why she hates her real family the emperor and prince really do love her bc of the late empress who died i do hope the author would give them a chance bc they were both wronged in the first timeline

fr I feel like people are being too hard on them. They seem like genuinely good people who just want to connect with a lost family member. I hope in future chapters they can make their intentions more clear and maybe we can find out more about why they acted that way towards her in the previous life. My personal hope for this story is that she’ll end up with TWO loving families, both her adopted and biological families.

Saaame, they actually seem like pretty decent people. Yes they sucked in her previous life but until know they didn’t do anything obvious that made them so unfavourable, quite the opposite. I hope she can forgive them - doesn’t mean she has to become part of the family again, but maybe she will have two in the end. And I’m sure there will be be a revelation that they were manipulated and maybe even controlled by the empress.
I can’t help but feel bad for the King/Emperor and Crown Prince. I’m gonna assume in the OG there was brainwashing or smth involved bc they obviously care about MC and have been looking for her.