I can't

saeri98 December 26, 2024 7:26 am

I can't stand this amount of unnecessary violence
Why is he pulling her hair why is he slapping her? I know she was never loved in her past life and won't really get right and wrong in this relationship but his older brother is a freaking adult if you claim to love her and care for her you wouldn't hit her even as a warning even for "her own good". You could blame yourself all you want for your incompetence but what is your excuse for hitting a 10 years old??? really hate normalized violence what a pity I liked her character

    yuukisakura January 27, 2025 7:34 am

    Yes... Like he could just hold her shoulder like hard, tremble a little then angry/hurt/sad face while saying she should never say such a thing and belittle her safety etc... Like there is a way to get the feeling across without b slapping her.. And the pulling her hair part is just... Lol wtf was that? Is that just a means tu justify toto n and the maid to have knife on his throat to show patty is the lady boss here? This story is a bit of a hit and miss for me.. Might come back just to pass the time