
jigu's juicy tits in my mouth December 26, 2024 7:09 am

Considering the amount of damage everytime the mc and Saints fight, I'd say their citizen kill count has got to be similar to the Calamities because jesus christ those huge ass buildings blowing up you're to tell me every single person in there got out in time as you come crash landing in 0.1 seconds?

I have a hard time believing there are normal people living and going about their day in this universe because how have they all not been killed already everytime the mc and Saints/Zodiacs make a mess. How have the Saints/Zodiacs gathered this much influence when their citizens are probably being killed by them by the millions. Like causing explosions at hospitals, waterboarding people in the streets, and no one questions who's doing this? Also, who are the mc and good guys fighting for if one explosion from their fights probably killed hundreds? Them safely evacuating every time is just too idealistic considering the circumstances how these fights start and end lol.

The explosions and fast action scenes wasn't enough to mask my curiosity about world building, unfortunately. Also this storytelling feels like a make it up as we go type? Like there's no sense of direction, just cause drama and fight fight fight.
