Finished the story but haven't read the sides. I'm so irritated. Why does Soobin walk away...

samieXP December 26, 2024 5:29 am

Finished the story but haven't read the sides. I'm so irritated. Why does Soobin walk away like he has done no wrong? Hyesung knows he was assaulted, but not by Soobin. So he still thinks of him as his best friend. He still doesn't even know all the shit Soobin said to Yooil that started their fight. And the reason Hyesung doesn't know any of this? BECAUSE YOOIL CAN'T KEEP IT IN HIS PANTS. I BEG them to talk instead of fucking for ONE chapter. I didn't enjoy this story and wish I didn't pick it up, then force myself to fiinish it (because I feel the need to finish everything i start). I seriously recommend people to just skip this and read something else.

    BombassMoFo December 27, 2024 6:52 pm

    well why don’t you become a storywriter or an author instead? i understand if this manhwa isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but to go as far as not recommending it to others JUST BECAUSE it doesnt fit your standard… you’re lowest than soobin and hyobum js (⌒▽⌒)

    samieXP December 28, 2024 6:41 am
    well why don’t you become a storywriter or an author instead? i understand if this manhwa isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but to go as far as not recommending it to others JUST BECAUSE it doesnt fit your stan... BombassMoFo

    Girl how tf am I lower than a person who sexually assaulted their friend because I don't recommend a story? You're weird

    Slytherinlarrie December 29, 2024 9:13 pm
    well why don’t you become a storywriter or an author instead? i understand if this manhwa isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but to go as far as not recommending it to others JUST BECAUSE it doesnt fit your stan... BombassMoFo

    Dude you don’t understand the point of comments if you think they shouldn’t be commenting exactly what they commented, they had no label telling them it wouldn’t “be their cup of tea” so now they’re pointing out exactly why it wasn’t so the next person who would get disappointed for the same reasons now has a label telling THEM, also telling someone they’re worse than an SA-er for a review is wild

    Also to op I’m glad for the comment cause I’m the same type of “can’t drop it if I started it” reader and I’d be full of rage if an SA-er just got away with it and they stayed on screen and as friend of victim that’s insane

    samieXP December 30, 2024 10:10 pm
    Dude you don’t understand the point of comments if you think they shouldn’t be commenting exactly what they commented, they had no label telling them it wouldn’t “be their cup of tea” so now they’re... Slytherinlarrie

    Thank you for this, some people on here are really a bit crazy ┗( T﹏T )┛

    I.Need.My.Daddy January 29, 2025 7:15 am

    Shut up loser. So pathetic

    stayawake February 18, 2025 8:38 am
    Shut up loser. So pathetic I.Need.My.Daddy

    Says the one upset about a comment lmao

    stayawake February 18, 2025 8:40 am

    Literally though omfg this story had SO much potential and sure there was some other things but soobin pmo the most

    I.Need.My.Daddy February 18, 2025 11:25 pm
    Says the one upset about a comment lmao stayawake

    Says the one who truly upset

    stayawake February 22, 2025 8:30 am
    Says the one who truly upset I.Need.My.Daddy

    yeah but at least I didn’t say “shut up loser. Pathetic” grow up lmao

    I.Need.My.Daddy February 22, 2025 11:52 am
    yeah but at least I didn’t say “shut up loser. Pathetic” grow up lmao stayawake

    I can't, this is as tall as I can get.