Heh??? I thought this has a novel. Someone told me duke is the end game. How did the know it? Haru
They prolly guessed it ( ̄∇ ̄") You know reading these types of stories will give you experience and you will able to guess it and 2nd-ly they might have read the raw
They prolly guessed it ( ̄∇ ̄")You know reading these types of stories will give you experience and you will able to guess it and 2nd-ly they might have read the raw Miss Misty
Hahaha, maybe thought the raw is aligned with the translation. Anyway, I think duke is ML because he is the only one knew ogMaythan and liked him (Even though I hated how he SA'd MC). And, most probably MC is ogMaythan regressing again in his original world without his the 1st timeline memory.
Hahaha, maybe thought the raw is aligned with the translation. Anyway, I think duke is ML because he is the only one knew ogMaythan and liked him (Even though I hated how he SA'd MC). And, most probably MC is o... Haru
If its this then it'll make a lot sense. Idk how the author will pull it
I think so too, especially how in the beginning Mc's sister did mention how Mc reminds her of the villain Maythan from the game cuz they do be looking alike
I think Maythan is ogMaythan. Someone spoil me who read the novel.