
communicate first before deciding to end it trust me, that's the best thing to do, when me and my bf just started the rs he was like that too and i thought about breaking up w him, but we talked first that's why i changed my mind and now were 2 years tgt, and you're not making a fuss lol that's normal especially when your s/o is like that, just talk first but if you think that it isn't going anywhere just end it, theres always someone that's going to treat you better don't settle with someone like that if he doesn't change after you talk with him
Waaahh I took a break from reading bl manga coz I finally found a bf (ldr), buttt I think I'm more invested in this relationshipp, like I'm more in lovee u know, and I'm the girl here. U know what they say about how the relationship wouldn't work well if it's the woman who apparently loves 'more'. I have to initiate our convo most of the time, u know, I don't really care that much, but it has been almost a week, I've learned so many things about him, but he doesn't ask about me. He says things like I love you, but it doesn't seem as if he's actually interested about me. And I don't want to be in a relationship where I'm the only one who's actually serious about us.
I'm planning to end it as early as possible, but I don't know if it's the right thing. I'm probably just making a huge fuss over nothing but this is my first relationship so I don't know much, that's why I need someone else's opinion to broaden my perspective in this matter. After everything's been fixed, I could continue reading BL without worries about my own personal relationship lol