I was Gren Stan I know he ain’t right but people wanted out right dead even though that isn’t what shin wanted! Like they were hardcore going at it in the comments and it tainted the story for me. Like I both Shin and Jake but I’m more of Shin fan so certain things would rub me the wrong way about Jake I would voice and it would be like WW3 I was tired of it. I’ve been keep up with the raws I haven’t been reading on here or any other site idk why I can’t bring myself to do it. I’ve been riding with Shutline from the beginning too so it kind of sucks.

Yeah I was rooting for for gren because I thought if they hadn’t been separated things would’ve been different yeah know. And Ian fans are wild I’m like like they love him to a point of being delusional ! But I have my favorites and I’ll stand ten toes in these comments! Plus I have nothing to do my job is on winter break

Girlie idgaf about what others ship and how emotional they are they can write hundreds of paragraphs about their perspectives of what and why they want a certain pair and i, honestly don’t give two fucks lol. I just think it’s too basic for the lore. Nope, dont want yall to talk about traumas but guess what? Their traumas and the complexities of their characters ARE what basically made them and the lore. Feel free to get hype by your ship and argue with others though, good luck
Dont wanna include myself in this fandom at all cause its so messed up lmfao. But as someone who was here since the day one i am afraid to say that the comments just prove to me that we ain’t reading the same wet sand. Yall just see it pretty basic and superficial lol. Apart from the comment saying all of them shouldnt end up together